

It is that time of year. Yep, the veil between our world and the world of the dead is thinning and has been doing so since the Autumnal equinox; what is so special about this? Spirits can more easily make themselves known. And they do.

If you are sensitive to the supernatural, like me, this time of year is especially thrilling, oh and perhaps a little scary. In my back yard I have been seeing shadows frequently moving around for several weeks now; the most recent? Late last night. As I locked up our deck door before closing it, out of the corner of my eye there was movement. When I looked fully to my left I saw a shadow move quickly across our deck that wasn’t from me or anyone in our home. I felt the “chillies” that I sense when something supernatural is near. Being an investigator, I searched for something “normal” that could have made that shadow. There were no birds flying overhead and no animals on my deck, nothing out of the “normal” realm that could have made a shadow. I believe it was a shadow figure, something/someone from the other side of the veil was visiting, and it scurried across our deck with great speed. Though I experience otherworldly presences a lot, I was spooked with this one. Why? Because, it was on MY DECK, close to the door.

We have some crazy things happening in our yard, in fact Odin, our gargoyle in the back garden, was tossed over and his wing broken just last weekend. Could it have been squirrels or other animals that knocked him down? Maybe. But Odin is a little too hefty for a squirrel or chipmunk to knock over, and we have had other figures moved as well.

I will certainly be on alert for more activity in my own back yard, but honest? I hope there is none….it’s just too close for comfort.