Disconcerting? Well for those of us who are sensitive intuitives, not so much. I do see them throughout the year, but not at the rate they are making themselves known to me currently and over the past month or two. I have to admit though when I do see a fleeting shadow person darting by unexpectedly? the hair on the back of my neck stands up. I have been surprised many times the past week or two, while out walking my pups in the dark. These figures are sooooo visible! Astounding to be sure, but hey, they are not to be feared; they are just lost.
One of the questions I have, is do these shadow figures and ghosts gain more energy
when the moon is full? I believe so; the
moon was full earlier this week, and I have seen quite a few the last few days, darting here
and there, sometimes hiding behind a tree for cover after they’ve been spotted
by either me or my husband Jerry, who frequently accompanies me on my evening
walk with the pups.