Owls are a part of the Supernatural world, without a doubt. I love owls, and most of all? I LOVE the pair of beautiful Great Horned Owls who live nearby my home. I enjoy an amazing connection these two owls who share their world with me, and have for many years. I believe it is the crazy supernatural ability that we share that has bound us together somehow, and time and time again over the years? They have shown me things, protected me, given me gifts of their own feathers, and yes they give me a boost when I need one. Like tonight.
Mamma Owl, all knowing, when I see her I talk to her. Endlessly :) |
Papa Owl. The protector. He watches. I talk to him too. |
I have had a very trying week so far, all areas of my life seem in disarray. Things that have happened that have made me question myself, and in addition I do think there’s something happening in the supernatural world as well that is affecting me. Today was especially trying at work, and honestly? I broke right down and cried. Right in front of my supervisor. Yep, that crybaby was me, tears flowing. Embarrassing, is what I will say.
Anyway, this evening I took my pups for their evening walk, and suddenly I heard the my friends, these special owls. I have not heard them for some time, they tend to be quiet when the nesting season is upon us, and the moment I heard them? I stopped in my tracks and listened to their wonderful and beautiful voices, and suddenly I felt comforted, grounded, and peaceful for the first time this week. Though they are a ways away (Mamma has babies in the nest and Dad keeps close to her) they knew I was close, and I think they were telling me that all would be well. It was only a few minutes literally, and then they were quiet once again. They told me what I needed to hear and were finished. They did their job well.
Mamma and one of her babies last spring. Look at the love on that babes' face. AMAZING. |
I am grateful to these owls, they have the wisdom of the ages, and the encouragement and comfort I get from them? Is priceless. Thanks Mamma and Papa Owl for watching over me, I love you to my toes, and I do hope that someday I can return all that you give to me.