The veil between the worlds of the living and the dead is
thin now; possibly the thinnest I have experienced since I’ve been traveling this
amazing supernatural journey. The plants
are dying; the colorful leaves of trees are dying and
they are falling, falling, falling; amazing and beautiful actually. Mamma Oak is decked out in full fall attire;
her leaves are a brillant deep red. She
is preparing herself for the long winter ahead, soon she will release the
leaves and welcome back to herself the energy that they have used, nourishing her
over the cold and dark months that are coming. Oh yes, and then there's snow. Yep, I have been seeing the first snow of the season right out my window as I write this post today.

Over the past few weeks I have been seeing ghosts and
shadow figures fly by at alarming numbers while walking with my Duncan after
dark. Seeing and feeling all these visitors from the
other side of the veil, is it spooky? A little. Unnerving? YES. The dark out measures
the light and so thus I really have no choice but to walk in the dark and
experience all the activity that is present. I really do feel quite out of sorts, why is this? Well, while I do believe the veil is thinner than I’ve
experienced it before, I also believe that my abilities have become greater
than they ever have been. It seems that over
the past year I’ve opened the door just a little bit further, and honest? I feel like maybe I would like to close it,
but I wonder, is that even possible?
Probably not.
As a paranormal investigator, this is the best time to
investigate. We always have a full plate
of investigations, but this past weekend, just for us, we took some time an visited the wondrous Maiden Rock, a large
bluff overlooking Lake Pepin/the Mississippi River. We hoped to catch the ghostly image of
the young Dacotah Maiden said to haunt the area. The story goes that this Maiden leapt to her
death (400 feet below) from the edge of Maiden Rock centuries ago rather than
marry a man she didn’t love; a man her family promised her to. Alas, she was in love with someone else, and
she saw no other way out. The local lore
is that you can still hear her singing her death song as well as see her apparition leaping
from the cliff. The whole story is sad beyond belief, just thinking that she is still there reliving her
death over and over? It is simply TRAGIC.
Five us made the trek to Maiden Rock last Saturday; Kacie and I got there just before sunset and tried to hike the trail to the top of the cliff, but we didn't make it to the top of Maiden Rock. We were losing daylight and the trail wound up and down through heavy woods. For safety, we had to retreat. We went back to the bottom of that big 400 foot cliff, and we investigated. We saw LOTS of darkness, as you can see the photo above; if you look closely at the upper half of the image you can faintly make out the rock; the image below image is just our flashlights, looks a little eerie so I thought I would include that. People always ask me what we see when we are investigating, well, this is it. Lots of darkness to be sure ;)

I will close out this post by encouraging you to enjoy this time of year, and keep in mind that that little
shadow in your peripheral vision? Just
may be a someone from the other side ;) Oh, and of course? Happy Halloween, this year why not set an extra place at your dinner table for those in your family who have passed; it will be appreciated.