A week ago our group did an investigation at a home in a northern suburb of Minneapolis. One of our investigators, Mae, brought along a dowsing rod. This was the first exposure for me of this tool. I'm not sure that I believe it detects ghosts, but some ghost hunters swear by this simple tool.
It is believed that when a ghost/spirit comes near, the rod will move from the forward position backwards towards the person carrying it. It is thought that it is the energy of the ghost that makes it move. It is an interesting concept, but does it work?
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The dowsing rod in use at our last investigation. |
I went into the investigation with two of my team mates holding this tool that has come to us through the centuries. I held it in front of me as I was instructed to. To my surprise, it did swing back several times, actually touching me at all times, and of it's own doing. It wasn't me that made it move. What does it mean? I don't know, some would say a spirit was near me. At one point when it moved backwards at me I did feel like something came at me, went through me and away. Was it a ghost? I don't know? I am sensitive to supernatural presences, and that one time it did feel like there was something there so it could be.
We also caught this video of the dowsing rod spinning in Mae's hand, while she asked if the ghost who the owner of the house calls Mr. Howell was playing with them. The EMF detector at this time also spiked so maybe they do work??? Have a look, it is interesting:
Some ghost hunters swear by this little tool, say it is as reliable as our EMF detectors and K2 meters. Is it so? I think the jury is still out, we will have to use it a little more before I decide. My husband Jerry doesn't believe it works at all. But it is very strange how it moved so much on its own isn't it?