We have traveled to and searched an area in the Chippewa National Forest several times this winter in below zero temps and snow up to our knees. We have also recently searched and have been quite impressed with a wild DNR area closer to home north of the Twin Cities Metro area. We've been there twice, and look forward to another search there soon. What I will say is that my teammates have grit; below zero temps and snow have not deterred us, and I believe? It only makes us BETTER.
In the Chippewa forest we discovered what we believe are Bigfoot prints in the snow. A path of them that stretched for quite a distance. We showed the photos to a local area resident who has discovered Bigfoot prints himself and he confirmed what we thought. Bigfoot made those prints. We found them in an area we had experienced much activity in the past, and it was an exciting find.

At any rate, our searches over the winter months have yielded some pretty phenomenal evidence. Is this evidence of Bigfoot or something else? We can only wonder.....our next search is happening quite soon, and will include plotting out the quadrant of structures to create some kind of map and try to understand the distance and scope of the area within.
What I do want to say is that my teammates are awesome; dedicated and determined to find Sasquatch, we all work well together and we have an amazing team of women :)