I have often written about my fascination with Bigfoot in this blog. As a paranormal investigator, our team has searched for the elusive creature in the forests of the Canadian borderland. Twice. We found some pretty compelling evidence suggesting that Sasquatch? Is Real.
Now, this amazing supernatural journey has lead me down the path seeking Bigfoot.
Introducing.......SheSquatchers, an all-female team searching for Bigfoot; the only group of its kind in the world. Loren Coleman, the world's renowned expert on Bigfoot and Cryptozoology, indicated to Jen and Jerry in an interview for their radio show The Calling, that he believed it would be a WOMAN not a man who would make contact with Bigfoot. He also mentioned there was no all female group out there and thus? We knew that we just had to create one! SheSquatch is the name Loren coined for female Bigfoot; thus, as human females looking for Sasquatch we are SheSquatchers! We introduced our group last week on my radio show The Gathering, and you can take a listen to that very fun show by clicking on the link below.

I formed our new team with a couple of my friends also in the paranormal field, Jen
Kruse and Kim Juarez. Our team members include paranormal investigators, psychics and healers.
Those of us who are paranormal investigators are very good at
investigating the supernatural, where we seek indisputable evidence. This is what I will be looking for
in our search for Sasquatch. Our team is dedicated to finding
Bigfoot and/or concrete evidence proving the big guy is genuine and a
part of our world. Our natural world? Or does Sasquatch exist in
another dimension and slips in and out of ours? Is this the reason why there is no hard evidence of him? We have lots of questions, and
we hope to find answers and also some clues that will help us determine just what Bigfoot
is. And of course I want to look a Squatch in the eye. Hopefully, this gaggle of girls will be just the thing to entice them to come take a look and say hi.
We are beyond excited to begin this journey into Squatching, and I will be reporting our adventures right here in my blog. We have ALOT to learn, but we'll get there, and we will have plenty of help along the way.
Stay tuned for more on this exciting new adventure :)
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#Bigfoot #Sasquatch #Yeti #SheSquatchers #FindingBigfoot